Car Show  Sponsored by:

The Atchelitz Threshermen’s Association
44146 Luckakuck Way
Chilliwack, BC

Access is via Hwy. 1 taking the Lickman Road Exit #119 in Chilliwack. The Museum is on the southeast corner of the Lickman Road/Hwy. 1 interchange.
NOTE: MEET REGISTRANTS ONLY in the Show. Spectators/visitors to Threshermen's by DONATION.

Car Show Classes

VOTING: Peoples’ Choice 1 Ballot for each Full Registrant & each Enthusiast

Classic Minis

C1: Mk 1 & Mk 2 Stock & Modified

C2: Mk 3 & Mk 4 Stock & Modified

C3: Mk 5 (1984-on) Stock & Modified

C4: Traveller and Countryman

C5: Vans & Pick-ups

C6: Variants, Elf, Hornet, Marcos, GTM, etc

C7: Mokes (all)

C8: Full Custom, Moulded in body mods, non A-Series engine

C9: Competition

Modified includes larger than original wheels, bolt on flares. Anything that can readily be removed to return car to stock.

Custom includes anything that cannot be readily removed to return the car to stock

Modern MINIS

N1: Mk1, 2001 - 2006, all sedans

N2: All convertibles

N3: Clubman, Countryman, Paceman

N4: Mk 2 & 3 2007 - Present

N5: Coupe & Roadster

PEOPLES’ CHOICE Car of Meet - “Mini/MINI I’d like to drive home.”

JUDGED AWARD – least molested, most original Classic

1) “Modified” includes bolt on changes e.g. wheels, seats, Rokee dashes, flares etc.
2) “Custom” includes every non-Mini/MINI engine, molded in flares, deseamed, Lambo doors, radically personalized interior etc.